Get Rid of Love Handles

Tightening up those extra stubborn pounds sitting on your lower body can be really frustrating. Muffin top, love handles, call it whatever you want to call it, it’s all just the same. One of the most common reasons why an individual acquires a stu

Tightening up those extra stubborn pounds sitting on your lower body can be really frustrating. Muffin top, love handles, call it whatever you want to call it, it’s all just the same. One of the most common reasons why an individual acquires a stubborn muffin top is rapid weight gain. It could also be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle and pregnancy. But losing love handles isn’t impossible. The process can be quiet challenging but worth the try.

Your Unconventional Fat Burner

When it comes to losing love handles, the most common thing that comes into people’s mind is intense workouts that focus on core, cardio that makes you faint, and strength exercises that develop the muscles. But yoga? A common misconception is that yoga is nothing but stretches for relaxation and that it is totally ineffective when it comes to efficiently removing love handles. Wrong! The following poses target the core which consists of the external and internal obliques, rectus abdominis and transversus abdominis. The yoga poses mentioned, engage all the muscles in the body specifically in the ab region which are also targeted in your usual ab workouts. Strike these yoga postures for a whole new level of fun while getting rid of your love handles:

Wide-Angled Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana) 

This pose strengthens the abs while stretching the back of the legs and lengthening the spine. It is also very effective in getting rid of lower back pain.

To do the pose: Begin by standing with a 4-foot distance between your feet. Make sure that they are parallel to each other and both balls of your feet are slightly pointing outwards. Take a breath in and place your hands on your waist while lengthening your spine. As you exhale, slowly bend forward until the crown of your head is directly facing the floor. Then, place your palms on the ground parallel to your shoulder. After that, inhale and suck your belly in and deepen the stretch until the crown of your head is resting on the ground. Stay in this position for five deep breaths.


Boat Pose (Navasana)

This yoga posture engages the transverse and rectus abdominis while improving the spine and hip flexor strength. It is also very good in boosting metabolism and relieving constipation.

To do the pose: Start by sitting on the floor with your knees tucked to your chest and the palms placed next to your hips. Inhale, straighten your back and lift your legs until your shins are parallel to the ground. Then, raise your arms forward next to your shins with your palms facing each other. After that, point your toes and fully extend your legs together to the sky. Keep your gaze at your feet and hold the balance for 3-5 breaths. Take a minute of rest and repeat the process for five sets.

Losing your muffin top doesn’t always have to be a near-death experience where you exhaust yourself to a point where you faint. Also, a great tip is to wear high waisted yoga leggings as much a possible. Sometimes, clothes that fall on the hips can create bulging love handles. With a proper approach and a regular practice, you’ll be surprised how yoga can effectively get rid of your love handles in a whole new creative and fun way.